Foto Inicio Poda Arboles

Pruning and felling of trees are professional services to keep your trees healthy, safe and aesthetically pleasing

Pruning and felling trees are key actions in the proper management of green spaces and the preservation of the health and safety of your trees. At Jardineria y Reformas Pitirri, we offer professional tree pruning and felling services. carried out by expert arborists that guarantee optimal results for your trees and your garden.

Tree pruning is an important important practice to keep growth under control, tree health and aesthetics. Our expert arborists identify and remove dead, diseased or damaged branches, which helps prevent the spread of diseases and pests. In addition, pruning also promotes balanced and structurally sound growth, avoiding future problems and ensuring an attractive appearance.

Logging, on the other hand, is a necessary service when a tree is dead, diseased, dangerous or causing problems on the property. Our team is trained and equipped to carry out tree felling safely and efficiently, taking into account the location of the tree, surrounding structures and ground conditions.

Safety is a priority in all our tree trimming and felling services. Our arborists are highly trained and follow strict safety protocols to ensure that all work is carried out in a safe and efficient manner. safely and securely for people, property and surrounding trees.

In addition to pruning and logging, we also provide cleaning and waste disposal services. We take care of collecting and disposing of the remains of branches and trunks in a responsible manner, leaving your clean and tidy garden after each intervention.

At Jardineria y Reformas Pitirri, we are proud to offer tree pruning and tree felling services from high quality and tailored to each customer’s specific needs. Whether you need to prune a tree to improve its shape and health or cut down a dangerous tree, our team of expert arborists is here to help you to keep your trees and yard in the best possible condition.

In short, tree trimming and pruning are essential services to ensure the health, safety and aesthetics of your trees and yard. By relying on Jardineria y Reformas Pitirri, you can be sure that you will receive a professional and high quality service that will allow you to enjoy a healthy and well-tended wooded landscape for years to come.

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Gardening services

Corte Cesped

Lawn mowing

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Plantacion Cesped

Lawn planting

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Poda Palmeras

Palm tree pruning

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Poda Tala Arboles

Pruning and felling of trees

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Mantenimiento Jardines

Garden maintenance

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Instalacion Riego

Irrigation installation

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