Foto Inicio Corte Cesped

Lawn mowing is a service essential to keep your garden in optimal conditions

Lawn mowing is a fundamental aspect in the maintenance of any garden, since it guarantees a healthy, attractive and well-maintained lawns. At Jardineria y Reformas Pitirri, we understand the importance of maintaining an impeccable lawn and, for this reason, we offer a service of professional and complete lawn mowing for our customers.

Our approach begins with the evaluation of the type of turf and the specific conditions of the yard, which allows us to determine the suitable height and frequency for cutting. In addition, we use professional and high quality equipment to guarantee a uniform and precise cut, avoiding damage to the lawn and promoting a healthy growth.

One of the keys to maintaining a lawn green and lush is the frequency and timing of mowing. Mowing too often or at inappropriate times can weaken the lawn and increase its vulnerability to disease, pests and drought. Conversely, a neglected and overgrown lawn can become a breeding ground for pests and diseases. Our team of professionals at Jardineria y Reformas Pitirri has the experience and knowledge to adequately balance these factors and ensure that your lawn stays healthy and resistant.

In addition to mowing the lawn, our service includes complementary tasks such as edging and cleaning of hard to reach areas, such as corners, roadsides and around trees or shrubs. This ensures that your lawn is not only well cared for, but also that it has a clean and sharp look that enhances the beauty of your garden.

Another essential aspect of lawn maintenance is the proper disposal of grass clippings. Our team takes care of collect and dispose of clippings responsibly, avoiding the accumulation of organic waste in your garden and reducing the risk of diseases or pests.

At Jardineria y Reformas Pitirri, we strive to provide exceptional lawn mowing services that are tailored to each customer’s specific needs. Whether you require regular maintenance or a one-time service, our commitment is to ensure that your lawn always look in top condition, contributing to the attractiveness and value of your property.

En resumen, el corte de césped es un servicio esencial para mantener un jardín saludable y atractivo. Al confiar en profesionales como Jardinería y Reformas Pitirri, puedes estar seguro de que tu césped recibirá la atención y el cuidado necesarios para mantenerse en las mejores condiciones posibles.

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Gardening services

Corte Cesped

Lawn mowing

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Garden maintenance

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