Foto Inicio Mantenimiento Jardines

Garden maintenance are integral services to preserve the beauty and health of your green spaces.

Regular maintenance of your garden is fundamental to ensure its health, beauty and functionality over time. In Gardening and Reforms Pitirri, we offer a wide range of garden maintenance services to keep your outdoor space in optimal conditions throughout the year.

Our garden maintenance services include, among others:

Lawn mowing and lawn care: Our team takes care of mowing, fertilizing and aerating the lawn, promoting a healthy growth and attractive appearance.

Pruning and felling of trees and shrubs: We perform regular pruning and, if necessary, the felling of trees, in order to keeping growth under control, prevent diseases and ensure the safety of your garden.

Control de malezas y plagas: Aplicamos tratamientos preventivos y curativos para eliminar y controlar malezas y plagas, protegiendo la salud de tus plantas y manteniendo un jardín limpio y ordenado.

Riego: Nos encargamos de la instalación, revisión y reparación de sistemas de riego, garantizando un suministro adecuado de agua para tus plantas y césped.

Fertilization and soil amendments: We evaluate and adjust fertility soil through the application of fertilizers and organic amendments, improving the health and growth of your plants.

Cleaning and maintenance of paved areas and trails: We clean and repair roads and paved areas., maintaining the aesthetics and functionality of your garden.

Maintenance of ponds and water fountains: We take care of cleaning, checking and repairing ponds and water fountains, guaranteeing their correct operation. and preserving its aesthetic appeal.

Our team of professionals at Jardineria y Reformas Pitirri are trained and experienced in a wide variety of gardening techniques and practices, which allows us to offer a comprehensive and customized service to the specific needs of each garden and client. Whether you need regular maintenance or a one-time service, our goal is to provide a servicio excepcional to ensure a healthy, beautiful and functional garden at all times.

In short, garden maintenance is essential to preserve the beauty and health of your green spaces. By relying on Jardineria y Reformas Pitirri, you can be sure that your garden will receive the necessary attention and care to be kept in the best possible condition, allowing you to fully enjoy your outdoor space.

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Gardening services

Corte Cesped

Lawn mowing

See information

Plantacion Cesped

Lawn planting

See information

Poda Palmeras

Palm tree pruning

See information

Poda Tala Arboles

Pruning and felling of trees

See information

Mantenimiento Jardines

Garden maintenance

See information

Instalacion Riego

Irrigation installation

See information